Yakutat, Alaska
Tern Festival

Brought to you by the Yakutat Nature Society

YNS Newsletters

Vol. 1, Issue 1
YNS: A New, Local Nonprofit
In 2020 the Yakutat Nature Society was formed, which is now the driving entity for the Yakutat Tern Festival. We look forward to pursuing our mission through the festival and other opportunities in the future.

Vol. 2, Issue 1
Yakutat Nature Society presents the 12th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival
New partnerships, cross-cultural education, opportunities, The Southeast Alaska Birding Trail, and meaningful connections. This past year has been like emerging from the nest and spreading our wings...

Vol. 2, Issue 2
YNS Makes New Partnerships & Brings Back the Tern Fest Buzz with the 12th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival
The 12th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival did not disappoint! It's been a challenging couple of years for everybody, and we were more than ready to bring back ...

Vol. 3. Issue 1
The 13th Annual Yakutat Tern Festival
Whether you're a seasoned birdwatcher or simply eager to discover something new, the Tern Festival welcomes you with open arms. Our registration is now open, with more updates to come! Together, let's spread our wings and soar into the 13th Annual Tern Festival!