Yakutat, Alaska
Tern Festival
Brought to you by the Yakutat Nature Society
Yakutat Tern Festival Annual Art Contest
Please submit your art by
February 9th, 2025 for the 14th Annual Festival.
Please submit entries to
For guideline information, please continue reading below.
General Information
The Yakutat Tern Festival Annual Art contest is an opportunity for artists and graphic designers to showcase their talents. We encourage participants to draw artistic inspiration from Yakutat's unique scenery, wildlife, and culture for their art piece.
The YNS will choose the submission which we feel is the best representation for the current year's festival. The winning artist will receive a $100 prize and see their art featured on Tern Festival merchandise, including tee shirts and posters.
For more information on guidelines and submission instructions, continue reading below.
1. Use clean, simple, and bold lines.
2. Please include associated text of one or more of the following:
- 2025
- 14th Annual Tern Festival
- Tern Fest
3. Must be clear and recognizable when reduced to 3".
4. Use no more than 3 colors.
5. Use at least 1pt line thickness for optimal printing.
6. Submit in PDF or JPG format.
Submit all entries to yakutatnaturesociety@gmail.com
We look forward to viewing your submission!